In Episode 23 Marx has a conversation with artists Pier-Anne Mercier and David Bellemare about their latest exhibition at TAP Art Space in Montreal, Canada.
Reflecting on their current state as post-BFA artists, Pier-Anne and David pose a question that delicately balances hopeful thoughts with realistic perspectives, where do we go from here? As a drafted response, they create an engaging painting-installation. Honouring his long-time held painting style, David Bellemare uses a single-large canvas as a base for his creations, rolling it along as the collage-painting evolves. His use of figurative and referential imagery creates his personal language; through this collage, the artist reveals humor, cynicism, fear, dreams, etc. allowing the viewer to dive into his psyche in a vulnerable-honest manner. The painting acquires a three-dimensional form via the intervention of Pier-Anne’s wood-based installation, occupying most of the wall area at TAP. Over this most-intimate conversation, the artists create space for reflection that can be as personal or as global as the viewer desires.
Check out the photo documentation at
Thanks for listening!
Podcast Credits
Hosted by Marx Ruiz-Wilson
Edited and Produced by Marx Ruiz-Wilson
Music, Mixing and Mastering by Arcadio M Lanz
Visual design by Victor Garibay
Special thanks to Pier-Anne Mercier and David Bellemare
Music Credits
IntoThis Podcast Intro - Arcadio M Lanz - Independent - 2018
IntoThis Podcast Outro - Arcadio M Lanz - Independent - 2018